Спасибо, что рискнули (Thank you for taking a chance)

As a boy I was absolutely convinced that nuclear war was inevitable, convinced that the future was set and the only possible outcome bleak.  It was amazingly similar to what my students articulate when they describe their climate-changed and depauperate future.  Gorbachev was a central lynchpin in breaking that apparent inevitability.  And I had the luxury of thanking him for choosing the path less travelled.

Chronicling the Shutdown

Monday saw the return to regular work of furloughed employees and those working without pay across federal agencies. Those roughly 380,000 furloughed and 420,000 working without pay Federal workers (and an unclear number of contractors) endured a 35-day pay suspension during the political battle over President Trump’s campaign pledge to construct a contiguous wall along the Mexican border. Unfortunately, unpaid …

Report Animals & Fires

Our research team from CSU Channel Islands would very much appreciate your help reporting any living, wounded, or dead wildlife in or around our unfolding wildfire areas.  Please fill out and WIDELY SHARE our link to our animal observation tool. We are interested in all animal observations you can share, now and over the ensuring weeks. Click here for our …

Unfolding Hill & Woolsey Fires

The Hill Fire and Woosley Fires began in the mid afternoon on Thursday, November 8 amidst strong Santa Ana wind conditions.  I am with my Coastal and Marine Management Students down here in San Diego and so having something of a hard time trying to get the most recent, on-the-ground info available.  I’ll be heading home later today (Friday, November …

Data Artist

More ESRM faculty you say?  We’ve got you covered!  As of November 1, ESRM officially opened up the application period for our first new tenure track faculty position in two years. We are hiring an Environmental/Coastal Data Visualization Artistwho will help take our program to the next level with data analytics, analyses and presentations.  Our review of applications begins December …

Summer of Fish Kill

Fish kills have jumped to the front pages of newspapers across the country this summer.  And while the harmful algal blooms (or HABs) across the Florida coast have captured the attention of the national media, we are having our own mini-explosion right here in southern California. Our local interest piqued when our colleagues at The Nature Conservancy noticed a fish …


Tech & Teaching Remember back in the day when you would simply dust off last year’s syllabi and recycle them for this year’s courses, changing perhaps the dates and an updated reference or two? Nope, me neither.

Fire Kill

Click Here (or the deer icon below) to report dead wildlife and help us understand the impact of the December 2017 fires!   The Thomas Fire has been burning for 12 days now ultimately burned for 40 days, having moved primarily northwest into the Los Padres National Forest and westward into the front ranges of Santa Barbara County.  While the threats from …

Fire Tracker

  Click HERE for the Community Fire Tracker   I’ll be posting more fire-related perspectives soon, but for now check out our new Community Fire Tracker.  This webpage was created, curated, and implemented in about 36 hours thanks to a great crew of data geeks, coders, conservationists, and all around community-centered peoples across the west coast (we even had a …